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Google Font Pairings To Try & Love

Not so long ago, we only had a few font choices to play with on blogs and websites. Now, there are thousands of different styles of fonts available, so many in fact that it can be hard to choose!


Why use Google Fonts?

Google fonts are free for commercial use, so you can be sure you can use them legally on your blog or website. You can easily match them across your website, graphics and design programs. They are also supported on a wide range of devices, and across all major browsers.

Choosing the Right Fonts

The right fonts can really help set the tone of your website and get across your style and personality. Fonts come in all shapes and sizes; some are playful, others elegant and some look very contemporary. Imagine a website for a lawyer or other legal professional. You would expect the site to look trustworthy and professional. But if the fonts used were more whimsical or childlike (think comic sans!) it would look jarring and out of place.

Currently reading: Google Font Pairings You'll Love Share on X

So why would you want to use two fonts, not just one? You want your main text to be clear and easy to read. But this can look quite plain. By adding in a different font for heading and titles you create visual interest as well as providing a clear break between body and title text. Sticking to two fonts creates a cohesive look to your site as well as reducing load time when compared to having lots of fonts.

Google lets you search through fonts using filters to select different varieties and styles. Once you have narrowed down some options, try out combinations, with the heading font larger and then a block of smaller body text. You can just copy and paste sections from your blog into a Google Doc to do this.


Display Font Combinations

Having a big contrast between the heading and body font can provide extra impact and emphasis to your content. Choosing heading fonts like Abril Fatface or Berkshire Swan can add bags of personality to your writing, and create more of a statement. Pair with easy to read, clean body fonts like Source San Pro or Poppins to prevent the combination from becoming overwhelming.

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Abril Fatface & Poppins

Abril fatface and Poppins Google font pairings


Berkshire Swash & Source Sans Pro

Berkshire Swash and Source Sans Pro Google font pairings

Changa One & Noto Sans

Changa one and noto sans google font pairings

Grand Hotel & Comfortaa

Grand Hotel and Comfortaa Google font pairings


Archivo Black & Quattrocentro Sans

Archive Black and Quattrocentro Sans Google font pairings


Praise & Barlow

Praise and Barlow Google font pairings

Suez & Lato

Suez and Lato Google font pairings


Modern Font Combinations

Modern fonts give a clean and easy to read feel, but it doesn’t mean that they have to be plain. Options like Poiret One are modern, but have a slight art deco feel. You can choose from heavier weight options like Fjalla One for a little more impact. Perfect for tech blogs or sites with a more minimal aesthetic.

Poiret One & Didact Gothic

Poiret One and Didact Gothic Google font -pairings

Fjalla One & Roboto

Fjalla One and Roboto Google font pairings

Chivo & Maven Pro

Chivo and Maven Pro Google Font pairings

Raleway & Roboto Condensed

Raleway and Roboto Condensed Google Font pairings

Oswald & Mulish

Oswald and Mulish Google Font pairings

Montserrat & Nunito

Montserrrat and Nunito Google font pairings

Anybody & Bellota Text

Anybody and Bellota Text Google font pairings


Feminine Fonts

Feminine fonts are often script style, but these can range from a classic serif style like Great Vibes to a more contemporary cursive like Sacramento. Look for clean, but friendly body fonts to pair with them, like Lora or Cabin. These more feminine fonts work well for bridal and wedding sites, as well as lifestyle and creative bloggers.

Great Vibes & Lora

Great Vibes and Lora Google font pairings

Sacramento & Cabin

Sacramento and Cabin Google font pairings

Dancing Script & PT Sans

Dancing Script and PT Sans google font pairings

Sue Ellen & Jaldi

Sue Ellen and Jaldi Google Font pairings

Croissant One & Josefin Sans

Croissant One and Josefin Sans Google font pairings

Arima & Encode Sans

Arima and Encode Sans Google font pairings

Cookie & Gantari

Cookie and Gantari Google Font pairings

Elegant and Classic

For more serious topics or professional sites, classic fonts that look elegant and respectable are the way to go. But they don’t have to be boring. Libre Baskerville has a traditional copper plate feel, ideal for literary or vintage sites. Spectral is a beautiful font that looks elegant, but also feels fresh and modern.

Playfair Display & Arsenal

Playfair Display and Arsenal Google Font Pairings

Cormorant Garamond & Libra Franklin

Cormorant Garamond and Libra Franklin Google Font Pairings

Libre Baskerville & Cormorant Infant

Libre Baskerville and Cormorant Infant- Google font pairings

Spectral & Avenir

Spectral and Avenir Google font pairings

Cinzel & Gill sans

Cinzel and Gill Sans Google font pairings

Gentian Book Plus & Fanwood Text


Jacques Francois & Scope One

Jacques Francois and Scope One Google Font Pairings


There is always going to be a bit of trial and error when choosing fonts. And what works for one site in a niche, might not work for another. Ultimately, whatever fonts you choose for your blog have to fit with the style and mood of your content.

We have a PDF with another thirty Google font pairings available for Lyrical Host customers – head to the Resource Library to grab a copy.

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Image with a floral background and a pink stripe saying Google font pairings to try & love.

Emma Jones
Digital Marketing Assistant at Lyrical Host. Emma has been blogging since 2009, creating content about crafts, jewelry making and creativity. When not blogging, you can find her cuddling her cat, drinking tea or out for a walk in nature.

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